Froggy's First Jump
Fieldtown Tradition
A Fieldtown stick dance for an even number of dancers (often 4 or 6).
Dance Notes
The figures are standard Fieldtown: Foot up & down, Half cross, Back to back, Rounds, but no Hey at the end (ends on a chorus).
The chorus sticking is performed facing your partner across the set, with a series of clashes. The rhythm uses the mnemonic rhyme "peas porridge hot; peas porridge cold; peas porridge in the pot nine days old". The sticking is left-left-center; center-center-right; . After the sticking, place the tip of the stick in the left hand and "strut" across the set 4 times, passing through the opposite line, and galley left into your partner's spot. Then repeat the sticking and struts, ending in your original position.
The dance ends on a chorus with "and up" where the final galley of the chorus is rotated to face up the set, with a final clash with your partner.
Sheet Music